And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Thursday, December 29, 2005

So after giving it a lot of thought we decided since we missed our flight to just enjoy more of IL and not leave just yet.. meaning we're staying here for New Years! We'll be driving down to Galesburg tonight or tomorrow with Mishelle to meet up with Billy and Seth and the others..
Trigger is really happy about the whole thing seeing he was never as excited about the whole NYC times square as I was.. but hey I'll just do that another time I guess.. I'm happy spending more time here.. We've made some really good friends here like Seth and Mishelle so it will be really cool to hangout more with them! plus both of them seem to be real happy that we are staying so that's awesome!
just hope Vicky and Ed don't mind us coming again..

Yesterday we spent with Mishelle.. she had a day off so we ended up doing some shopping.. we went to Victoria sectret to get some fancy underwear while Trigger got hit on by malrats.. hehehe.. we also met up with our friend Ryan who was passing through Chicago on his way home to Indiana.. He came over with his band Defiance, Ohio in April and we got to know him then.. well we met up with him and his 2 friends and we all had lunch together.. Ryan really wants us to come to Indiana after new years and hangout with him and the rest of the Defiance, Ohio crew.. we're pretty excited about doing that before heading east again so we probably will.. but for now it's IL for us!

I'm going to post the pictures of the new tattoos here so you can get a closer look on them.. mamma og pabbi ekki verda reid.. hehehe.. they really look good and we're both really happy with them!

This is on Trigger's right leg.. it's an artwork by one of his favorite band called Converge.. it called Sunman and stands for hope..

This is mine.. it's Iceland for those who don't already know that.. hehehe.. and the words are those of an Icelandic hardcore band called I adapt.. these are the words that I really care about.. both the meaning behind them and also the memories I have that involve them.. the Icelandic hardcore scene.. the kids.. being at shows and singing at the top of my lungs.. It means the world to me!

This is Trigger's too.. it's the infinity symbols.. they stand for that you can never be perfect but you can spend your whole life improving yourself..

Well there you have it.. this is what's new with you.. a little change of plans.. havn't decided already where and when we're heading east exactly but we'll let you know! we're in no hurry so we're just enjoying the time we have with the guys here while we can! We'll let you know what the plan is as soon as we figured it out ourselves.. until then hope you guys are getting ready for new years!
with love from Chicago <3

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Yes that's right.. we managed to miss the flight we had sceduled from Chicago, IL to Newark, NJ yesterday!
It was actually just funny and nothing else! We didn't lose any money really.. the ticket was only like 70$ or 4000 icelandic kronur so that didn't really bother us.. the only thing was that we had plans with our friend DanP that night and it sucked not being able to hangout with him! but hey we got to hangout more with Mishelle in Chicago...

Ok so seeing that the 26th was going to be our last day in Galesbug we decided to make the most of it and headed into town to meet up with jimmy (bill's tattoo artist) who was just in town! he had moved to Oregon like a month ago and was just back to hangout with Bill and tattoo him and some other people including us! yes we both (trigger too) got new tattoos done! We'll put pictures up on the photobucket site later..
after hanging out with jimmy we went back to bill's house and hungout there.. Seth, Mishelle, Kara and Jimmy came over a little later and Jimmy did the second tattoo on Trigger while the rest of us played poker.. it was really funny until we played black jack and I played the dealer.. I was really good at it and Bill was all mad cause he kept losing and started calling me all these names.. so note to our friends that know bill.. don't play poker or black jack with him.. he gets really mean!
but yeah Jimmy finished trigger around 4 am so everybody took off except Seth.. Trigger fell asleep soon after but Bill and Seth decided to taech me Risk.. yes the board game! hehehe..
We played Risk until 7 in the morning.. I did really good I think.. well enough so the guys enjoyed playing with me! hehehe.. i loved it tough.. Risk is my new fav game.. I know I'm a total nerd! ;o)
We took a 3 hour nap and then started getting ready for the 3 hour drive to Chicago with Mishelle.. we said goodbye to Bill's family and then Seth's family and headed on our way.. the drive was actually loads of fun! Mishelle is fantastic and we get along sooo well! We talked to whole way back to Chicago!
We got to the airport on time and had at least like 2 hours to our flight so we went to check us in and then we found out that our flight was actually the 26th not the 27th! imagine that! we missed our flight by 24 hours! hehehehe..
So here we are.. still in Chicago at Mishelle's place!
We talked about it last night.. what we should do.. the plan was to go back to NJ and then from there to PA to stay with Rachel and stay there over New Years but last night we decided to change our plans.. we have decided to stay with Mishelle in Chicago the next days and then on Thursday night or Friday we're going to head to Galesburg again and hangout there over New years! We really like the people here so we want to spend more time with them seeing we can!
so there you have it.. a little change of our plans.. we're going to talk about it today when we're going to leave chicago exactly and where we'll be heading after this.. we have some ideas but we have to talk to our friends first.. we'll let you know! :o)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Before I say anything else I want to say this:
Merry Christmas to you all!
These last few days have been sooo great! Trigger and I have been lucky enough to spend the holidays with my friend Bill and his family in IL! They have been super nice and just done everything to make us feel welcome and wanted!
I’ll admit that yesterday was really hard for me.. especially the morning and around noon.. I knew that by that time everybody at home would be getting ready for Christmas (there’s a 6 hour time difference between here and Iceland) and it felt so weird not to be doing exactly that! Kristjana called around 11 and I miss her a lot.. she’s also going through a really hard time right now and it breaks my heart not being able to be there for her so that was really hard.. then just half an hour after she had called mom&dad called and anybody that knows me really well can understand why that was really hard too.. after talking to them I was really confused and I felt really sad and homesick too.. I really wanted to talk to someone but Trigger had been in a kind of ill mood these last days and I was kind of waiting for him to want to talk about it and didn’t want to force my thoughts on him so you know I felt a little alone.. I kept thinking about my friends back home and just missing them terribly.. in the end though Bill and I went to town together and we had a really good talk.. plus we went to see Bill’s other family.. the family that probably had the most saying in how Bill is today.. Seth’s family.. The Seth we stayed with in Chicago.. both him and his family are super cool so after all that and just spending time with Bill I felt loads better! Then when we got back Trigger had a really good talk to me and we finally sorted out those things that had been bothering him.. so after that I felt even better!
O and guess what we did on Thorlaksmessa (the 23rd).. we went on a road trip with Bill and his friend Matt (who btw can play Sleep terror on his guitar! I’ve seen it and let me tell you it is crazy!) to get Seth in Chicago! After that we all headed to a place called Hillside (a Chicago suburb) to see this band called Hewhocorrupts.. they were really really good! Plus the 5 of us had such an amazing time together! Both Seth and Matt are so awesome! We had plenty of time to hangout cause the band we wanted to see didn’t play until like 4 hours after we arrived at the venue! Kind of a bummer but we had a blast so it was all right! On the way home I was in front with Seth keeping him awake through the night cause we were driving back from the venue at around 3 am and it takes around 3 hours to get from there to Bill’s house! It was great though cause Seth is like way nice and cool so it was great getting the opportunity to talk to him a little one on one! Yes that was a really good night!
Then last night (the 24th) we went to see Vicky’s brother.. there was a little family get together there and both Trigger and I ended up having a lot more fun there than we thought we would! Bill’s family is really nice! It was really great seeing Bill around his family too.. both this one and Seth’s.. finally you start to get some of the jokes that he makes and you see from where he picks up all these things! Hehehe..
Well then after the “party” we went to the airport to pick up Bill’s brother Anthony or Tai for short who is also home for the holidays.. we drove back home all 6 of us and ended just talking and then playing poker and having so much fun! Well until 2 am cause then we all had to holler ass to bed cause next morning would be Christmas morning and some people hadn’t even finished their wrappings.. hehehe..
Then this morning we were woken up at 8:30 cause there was some serious package opening starting.. hehehe.. Vicky had obviously gone all out again to make us feel welcome cause both Trigger and I got tons of presents! She had made us stockings (yes MADE us stockings!) and Santa had left us both loads of little presents! We also got loads of presents from under the spinning Christmas tree (Yes SPINNING Christmas tree!) that were from Vicky and Ed even though they just wrote from Santa on all of them! Hehehe.. We got sooo much! It was crazy! Then after all the opening everybody helped out cleaning the house cause there was a family get together here at 2.. the family having early dinner together.. I made nut loaf, with the help of Trigger of course, that ended up being really really good! Mmm..
The family arrived around 2 and then everybody ate and then ate some more.. hehehe.. mmm.. it’s now around 11 and the last guests just left! It was crazy cause even though usually these family things just make me feel uncomfortable and that’s with my own family.. well not my mom’s side but my dad’s.. but today was actually really nice! I had loads of fun talking to all of them and getting to know them better!
Tomorrow is our last whole day here.. it’s kind of sad cause both Trigger and I really like it here and plus it’s been sooo great hanging out with Bill again so we both are not looking forward to say goodbye to him at all! It’s going to be well hard! But it has to be done cause on Tuesday Bill’s driving us up to Chicago to the airport cause we’re heading to DanP in NJ.. again!! We’re excited about seeing him again and the people there that we started to get to know and just hangout more! We’re going to be there for a couple of nights and then we’re heading to PA to spend a week or so at Rachel’s! That will be exciting!
Well I hope you guys are having the BEST Christmas all of you! I miss you all and I’m thinking about all of you and just really hoping you guys are enjoying the holidays the best you can!
I love you all!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hey you guys
Sorry about not blogging for awhile.. been a little busy with Trigger meeting up with friends, getting to know new people and just exploring more of the states!
I’ll try to write about the stuff we’ve been doing in the past week.. not sure if I’ll remember everything cause it’s been awhile but just bare with me..
Ok so we stayed with DanP in New Brunswick until the 18th.. we used the time to explore around NJ/NY.. went to NYC to hangout with my very awesome friend LiaB.. she had the day off from work and was nice enough to use it to show us around the city.. we went to Times square, Rockefeller center and walked around all of Manhattan.. no maybe not but we did walk around a lot that day.. then after walking around we had dinner the three of us at the Red bamboo which is fast becoming our favorite restaurant.. the food was just as good as before and we ate way too much! Then we went with Lia to her place in Hoboken, NJ which is just a 15 minute drive on the path (a train).. she was giving away some clothes and she let me go through them.. I found a new pair of pants and some t-shirts and stuff which was great cause I can’t really afford to buy too much here but I’m also sort on cloths so that was really sweet of her! Yes we had a great day with her!
The next few days we spent the days exploring New Brunswick and Princeton during the day cause Dan had to work and then during the nights we either hangout at his place with him and his roommates who are probably one of the best people I’ve met in my life! Or we went out with few of his friends.. well either way just tried to spend as much time with Dan cause he’s such a great friend of ours and we wanted to use the time we had with him seeing we don’t get to hangout as much as we’d like!
On Friday we went to see my favorite NJ band.. well just one of my favorite bands really.. they’re called Make me and Dan introduced them to me when he was in Iceland.. I really really like them so I was really stoked about seeing them play live.. and man did they deliver! Their show was sooo good.. everybody just singing along and enjoying themselves.. so much fun! Plus the guys were really really nice too! We talked a lot to them and spent the night trying to convince them to come to Iceland! Hehehe.. well Danny the singer is probably coming to Iceland but just to explore it himself but not to play but still he’s ace so it will be great having him over!
On Saturday Dan had the day off so we went to NYC again and walked around more.. we went to Times square again but this time during the evening which was so weird cause it looked so different from when we saw it with Lia.. we also went to Central Park and to the Met (a museum).. then we headed back to NJ cause Dan wanted to take us to a diner.. seeing NJ is the diner state.. hehehe.. it was certainly an experience to eat there!
On Sunday the 18th we had to cacth a flight to Chicago at 4 so Dan, Rachel and Danny (the singer in Make me) all went with us to this Indian place to have lunch before our flight.. we had a great time there.. Dan is getting ready to move to India in June so he felt he should try to eat like Indians to and order his food “as hot as hell”.. hehehe.. it was sooo funny to see him sweating but still trying to finish his food.. hehehe.. he did it though so thumbs up for him! You’ll do great in India Dan! We have faith in you! <3
The flight to Chicago was good.. we both slept through most of it.. then we waited for Seth and Mishelle (Bill’s friend) to come pick us up.. when they came they had the cutest sign for us! O and a pleasant surprise too! Bill was with them!!! He was suppose to come the day after us but he arrived the same day and they had picked him up earlier! It was so great seeing him again! We both had missed him!
We spent the next two days in Chicago.. Mishelle had the day off the next day so she was kind enough to use her day off to show us around.. we went to Metal haven (one of the best metal record stores in the states) and to Reckless records (a great record store too!).. Trigger bought sooo much stuff! Hehehe.. then we decided to head to Sears tower and go to the top! It was crazy! Sears tower is the tallest building in the world and we went to the 103 floor! We got a great view of the city and just had a blast up there!
It was kind of sad to have to say goodbye to Mishelle and Seth.. especially for me to say goodbye to Mishelle! She is one of the sweetest girl I’ve met in awhile and we got along really really well! Hopefully we’ll see her again sometime over Christmas and she might be coming to Iceland in April too! I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
But yeah this has been our trip so far.. last night we drove down south from Chicago and met up with Bill’s mom Vicky and his step dad Ed.. they have been really nice to us and really made us feel welcome here in their o so Christmassy house! Serioucly though.. never seen a house this Christmassy! It’s nice though.. I like it.. it’s getting me in the Christmas mood finally! It’s been really weird for me especially not doing the things I usually do around this time a year.. I’ve not been baking, buying and wrapping presents, decorating, writing Christmas cards or anything really.. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss it.. but well I wanted to try something new and so far it’s been a blast! I’m having fun even though I have to say that I’m starting to miss some people back home a little.. been cheating a little and buying some presents.. not sure if I’m sending them all back home.. been posting some but some might just have to wait until I get back! Just to get you guys excited! ;o)
Well this will do for now.. been quite a long one.. but well I had a lot to tell you guys and I wanted to make sure that you were up to date on what’s going on with us! Have had some messages and emails telling me to sit my ass down and get down to some serious blogging.. hehehe.. but well I’ve done that now so..
I miss you guys loads! We both do!
Have a happy holiday! I’ll definitely but up another blog before Christmas but I still wanted to remind you all to make sure you don’t get caught in the stress that sometimes surrounds this time of year and rather leave things out so you can really enjoy this wonderful holiday! O and remember.. be thankful for all the wonderful and amazing people in your life that you are lucky enough to have around you! I know I am!
Keep staying in touch.. we’re both really glad you do!
With love from your favorite siblings in the states!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Hey you guys!
I just put up loads of pics from our trip so far.. check them out at:

I'll blog a little more about our trip today or tomorrow but for now these picture will just have to do!
I love you guys! <3

Monday, December 12, 2005

I really think I'm doing an excellent job blogging here.. my third blog since we left and we have not even been gone a week!
Well I guess that's good though.. feels good to keep you uppdated seeing that I haven't got the time to email everybody and all.. o well if you get bored with my blogs you could always not read them so...
but yeah so the other day Dan told us he had a surprise for us two.. he was pretty excited about it so you can imagine how excited we were! We went to Whole foods (a huge organic supermarket for those of you who don't know) which was pretty neat cause I had never been into one and had promised myself to see one when I came over! Yeah I know these things excite me.. big deal.. you wanna fight about it? hehehe..
Well after Whole foods we went back to Dan's place to wait for Rachel to show up! It was sooo great seeing her again! She's one of the people that came over to Iceland in August with Dan.. we are good friends so seeing her again was awesome!
Then the four of us headed for NY to see our surprise! We went to this place called th Knitting factory which is a place that puts on gigs here and saw that our surprise was a Strike anywhere concert!!! Strike anywhere is only one of my top 10 bands of all time and seeing them live was something I've always wanted to do! You guys can imagine how happy Trigger and I were when we found out about our surprise!
The show was awesome too! Eric the drummer from Strike anywhere came to Iceland last January with his friend Nathan and Kolli and I showed them around Reykjavik and stuff so I was excited about seeing him again! He was really surprised to see me too! hehehe.. but it was great and we talked a lot and decided to hangout more when Trigger and I go down to VA in January! I'm already looking forward to it!
I also got to talk to Thomas the singer in Strike which mind you was pretty cool to me seeing I've adored this mans vocals for such a long time! I was gonna get my stuff from the distro table after Strike had played and saw that Thomas was the only one selling their sutff and there were like LOADS of kids trying to buy stuff from him so I poked him and asked if he needed a hand and of course he just said yes please! So I helped him out and had a great time doing so! when everybody was gone and we had sold loads of stuff we talked a little.. he was just like sooo grateful for the help and I was just happy to have helped! plus I'm kind of a nerd so helping out and seeing Eric again was probably just almost exciting as seeing them play! hehehe.. no maybe not cause there show was just SO freaking awesome!
Yeah that was a pretty good night.. we ended up going the four of us plus this girl that Dan knows to Red bamboo again (the vegan place I told you guys about) and having the BEST dinner I think I have ever had! Buffalo wings in barbecue sause, chicken with parmesan and this delicous chocolate macarone cake for desert! all vegan of course and soooo good!
ahh yes it was such a great night! I have a hard time imagineing anything topping saturday but then again we have only been here for few days and there is soo much to see and do so you never know!
Well I'm off to enjoy some of that vegan carrot cake we bought yesterday so I'm signing off for now!
Thanks all for the comments and messages you guys have been leaving us.. it means so much to us to hear from you guys!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Here we are! in the states!!!
Yes we just got here last night to NY city and woke up this morning in New Brunswick, NJ! crazy really!
Yesterday was the longest day of our life! We woke up in London in Paul's room and got ready for the flight.. then we went with Paul to Angel to have lunch at the Indian Veg which is one of the best and cheapest vegan restaurant in London! sooo good! After eating ourselves full we said our goodbyes to Paul (it was teary mind you) and headed on our way to the airport. Our flight wasn't until 5 so we were in no hurry and arrived at the airport long before our flight.. had a good hour and a half to kill before our flight which was mainly just spent listening to music, reading Harry Potter (I started the fifth book) and talking together.
The weather was a little crazy so when we finally boarded the plane we had to wait in there for almost 50 minutes before taking off.. which would have been ok if we wouldn't have a 8 hour flight adead of us.. hehehe.. trigger was getting bored even before we took off! hehehe..
The flight was all right though.. it was long but we slept a little, talked a lot, I read and then they were showing some good movies so that killed some time.. I watched Wallance and Grommit.. it's sooo good!
We arrived in NY at 9 pm local time but 2 am london time so we were pretty tired! Dan and his friend came to pick us up though and we headed straight to this vegan restaurant called the red bamboo.. I've heard stories about that place so I was pretty excited.. and I have to say that it did deliever.. the food there was soooo good mind you! I had "fish and chips".. the fish being made out of soy and completely vegan.. mmmm.. and then after eating Ryan (Dan's friend) was the sweetest and paid for the whole meal! so nice of her!
We saw a bit of NY last night after dinner.. it's amazing I tell you.. Dan drove around showing us Empire state building and a little bit of NY.. pretty neat being here but still kind of sureal.. seeing I've been planing this trip for such a long time!
Today we're heading for NY again.. we're meeting our friend Rachel around 3 and she's coming with us.. Dan has a surprice for us.. I'm really excited! but then again I'm excited about everything right now.. hehehe.. just being here and seeing Dan again is almost too good to be true! can't wait to see Rachel and then maybe Lia as well! ahhh life is good!
Well this will be all for now.. just wanted to let you guys know that everything is going well and we're having the BEST time.. even though we are a little tierd from jumping from one continental to another.. heheh.. but I guess that will pass in few days!
well I'll post more later.. and maybe if you're really lucky some pics as well.. you never know!
With love from NY/NJ

Thursday, December 08, 2005

hello hello hello
So here I am again.. doing this one more time.. I can't believe that I'm on the road again.. for like the third time this year.. seems like I've been spending the better half of the year traveling really.. well at least the second half.. feels good mind you though!
I have a partner this time a little closer to me than the before.. I talked my brother Trigger into going with me so for the next couple of months we'll be traveling together.. exploring new things and just having a blast together like we always have when we hangout!
We left Iceland yesterday.. flew from Keflavik airport to Stansted airport in England.. everything went really well.. and we were in london in no time and without much effort. I've been here so often that now it just feels like coming home whenever I come over! this is my 11th time in London so I've gotten used to things and sorta know what everything is all about.. no worries here!
We're staying with our friend Paul here in London.. he's been ace like he always is! having the best time seeing him again! we did a little sight seeing today.. Paul hasn't explored a lot in London (he's from Scotland) and I always said I'd show him around the next time I'd come over! hehehe.. so today we did a bit of that then Trigger and I decided to take a trip down to Brighton to check out this awesome band that was going to be playing there called Hella.. we took a train down which took about an hour and then walked in the pouring rain around Brighton trying to find the place the gig was supposed to be at.. we asked a bunch of people and finally found a person that could help us out.. but not before trigger had been hit by a flying egg! hehehe.. there we were just minding our own business when this guy threw an egg at us when he drow past us! it was so random that trigger and I couldn't help but to laugh! hehehe.. but yeah then we finally found the place that the ledengary gig was supposed to be at only to find out that it had been cancelled! hehehehe.. it was sooo funny! what a rotten night you might be thinking to yourself.. but I'll tell you we had the BESTEST time! yes it was a bummer spending all that money on a traintickets and all and being soaked and then get an egg thrown at us but hey! it just made us laugh! hehehehehe.. we weren't bothered to think about it but just decided, after finding out that we couldn't even meet up with our friend Keg that lives there, to take the next train back to london to see Paul again!
sooo now here we are.. both pretty tierd.. well Trigger is actually fallen asleep but I have to keep awake cause Paul had to work tonight and I have to stay up to let him in when he finishes.. which should be like ages ago but anywho..
tomorrow we'll be doing a little more sight seeing with Paul in London and just enjoying the time we have here with him! he's on of the best people we know and it sucks that we don't get to see him more but well we'll see him now and then on our way back as well! yes there's always plenty of good times going on Friday we head over to the states! heading for NY and we'll be arriving there around 8.. Dan, our kick ass friend in NJ, is picking us up and taking us straight to the best vegan place in NY! he has plenty of things planned for us and we're sooo excited about that.. though we're mostly just excited about seeing him again and hanging out with him!
well this is all for us for now.. plenty of action on the first 2 days of our around 60 day trip! Paul just got back from work so I'm going to hangout a bit with him before heading to bed!
I'll be writing about our trip here like I did with my Europe trip this summer so please feel free to read about it and please comment and stay in touch if you can! that would awesome!
well that's all.. hope you enjoy reading about our "little" trip!
I'll put up more later..