And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Yes that's right.. we managed to miss the flight we had sceduled from Chicago, IL to Newark, NJ yesterday!
It was actually just funny and nothing else! We didn't lose any money really.. the ticket was only like 70$ or 4000 icelandic kronur so that didn't really bother us.. the only thing was that we had plans with our friend DanP that night and it sucked not being able to hangout with him! but hey we got to hangout more with Mishelle in Chicago...

Ok so seeing that the 26th was going to be our last day in Galesbug we decided to make the most of it and headed into town to meet up with jimmy (bill's tattoo artist) who was just in town! he had moved to Oregon like a month ago and was just back to hangout with Bill and tattoo him and some other people including us! yes we both (trigger too) got new tattoos done! We'll put pictures up on the photobucket site later..
after hanging out with jimmy we went back to bill's house and hungout there.. Seth, Mishelle, Kara and Jimmy came over a little later and Jimmy did the second tattoo on Trigger while the rest of us played poker.. it was really funny until we played black jack and I played the dealer.. I was really good at it and Bill was all mad cause he kept losing and started calling me all these names.. so note to our friends that know bill.. don't play poker or black jack with him.. he gets really mean!
but yeah Jimmy finished trigger around 4 am so everybody took off except Seth.. Trigger fell asleep soon after but Bill and Seth decided to taech me Risk.. yes the board game! hehehe..
We played Risk until 7 in the morning.. I did really good I think.. well enough so the guys enjoyed playing with me! hehehe.. i loved it tough.. Risk is my new fav game.. I know I'm a total nerd! ;o)
We took a 3 hour nap and then started getting ready for the 3 hour drive to Chicago with Mishelle.. we said goodbye to Bill's family and then Seth's family and headed on our way.. the drive was actually loads of fun! Mishelle is fantastic and we get along sooo well! We talked to whole way back to Chicago!
We got to the airport on time and had at least like 2 hours to our flight so we went to check us in and then we found out that our flight was actually the 26th not the 27th! imagine that! we missed our flight by 24 hours! hehehehe..
So here we are.. still in Chicago at Mishelle's place!
We talked about it last night.. what we should do.. the plan was to go back to NJ and then from there to PA to stay with Rachel and stay there over New Years but last night we decided to change our plans.. we have decided to stay with Mishelle in Chicago the next days and then on Thursday night or Friday we're going to head to Galesburg again and hangout there over New years! We really like the people here so we want to spend more time with them seeing we can!
so there you have it.. a little change of our plans.. we're going to talk about it today when we're going to leave chicago exactly and where we'll be heading after this.. we have some ideas but we have to talk to our friends first.. we'll let you know! :o)


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Þið eruð ótrúleg. Meira að segja mér hefur ekki tekist að vera svona sein! ;o)
- Oddný

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég hef einu sinni misst af flugi. Þá var ég mætt 45 mínútum fyrir brottför og var ekki hleypt inn... En 24 tímar!!! Þið eruð alveg að slá met!
Verður gaman að heyra hvernig þetta þróast, vona að þið fáið pakkann frá okkur! Franskur jólakoss (nei ekki þannig... !-) ). Stórasys.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA snillingar !



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