And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Well we're still in the Netherlands.. but we've moved from Amsterdam to Arnhem.. an old punk friend of ours Siggi punknurse is living here with his girlfriend and they have been kind enough to take us in for now. I'm not sure how long we'll be staying here since I really hate forcing myself upon people like this! I guess we'll just see.. the only thing certain for now is that we have plantickets from Amsterdam on the 5th of July to London and the same day from London to Italy!
Yay Italy! I can't wait to go there.. we're flying to Bologna but I really want to see Florence so we're just going to head over there as soon as possible! mmm.. Florence.. that'll be sweet!

but for now it's the Netherlands..

Amsterdam was greater than I thought it would be!
We stayed in a hostel the first night but the second night (yeah we decided in the end to stay for another night there) we stayed in this hotel (the heart of amsterdam) cause the hostels were full.. it was really crappy but we didn't mind cause we managed to get the price down to almost the same price we were paying at the hostel.. hehe.. :o)

I was really happy about the 2 days we spent in amsterdam.. I managed to do all the things I wanted to do there: we rode on the tram, sailed on the canals and of course saw the red light district! It was very wierd seeing the district! I mean I heard a lot about it from friends who'd been there but it was so wierd seeing it with your very own eyes! Girls in all the windows and men outside getting the drunks to visit "their" women.. so wierd.. plus our hotel was almost in the middle of the district so we saw all the "action" just out our window.. very strange!

Then yesterday we decided to be more cultural and we to the riksmusem (the national musem).. we got in free cause we lied we were both under 18.. hehe.. :o) then we spent the rest of the day in a park there called Vondelpark.. it was really nice and we both fell asleep for a few minutes in the sun!
I heard it was just raining all the time in Iceland.. is that true? I hope so.. hehe.. nahh just kidding ;o)

Ok so Siggi just told us we would be staying with a friend of his for the next couple of nights.. she lives close by so tonight we'll move our stuff there.. then I guess we'll stay here until Monday and then get back to amsterdam so we'll be close by the airport for our flight the next day..
I better email the hostel and check if they have room for us on Monday night..
I'll leave this like this for now.. I'm a little bit tierd so I think today will just be spent hanging around Siggi's place and chilling..
I hope you guys are having fun in Iceland and where ever you are!
I miss you and think of you everyday!
Loads of love!
Hanna xxx

ps. I'm going to see if I can put some more pics up on the photosite today.. we'll see!


At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man hvað mig kítlar í perrann þegar einhver segir rauða hverfið ! mig langar geðveikt að sjá þetta for my self !

bið að heilsa sigga !


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vá hvað mér finnst frábært að heyra að þið skemmtið ykkur svona vel. Ég vildi að ég væri þarna með ykkur en well, ég verð bara með ykkur í huganum í staðinn. Látið ykkur líða vel og hafið það sem best!


At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Siggi er bara æði, ef það er Diana sem þið eruð að fara að vera hjá, þá öfunda ég ykkur, baðherbergið hennar er það flottasta sem ég hef séð!!!
Við Fannar, Andri og Ásgeir gistum hjá henni þegar við vorum þarna!!

Skemmtið ykkur geðveikt vel!
og ítalía.. dang mig langar með!!!!


At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh þið hafið það svo gott. Ítalía? Pant! Allavegana, haldið áfram að hafa það gott. Sakna þín ekkert smá mikið. Hlakka til að sjá þig :*


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