And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ok this is going to be a short one since I really have to wake up Siggi soon so we can get our asses down town and meet up with Fannar and Viktor..
This week in Köben has been so extremly great and beyond all expetations that i just don´t believe it! I´ve had such a good time hanging out with Siggi everyday, seeing more of Köben, hanging out with the thrashmaster, Viktor and Helga, checking out K-town and just being here! I never thought I´d like this city this much but I do! I am so definatly coming back here again! That´s 4 sure! :o)

Yeah b.t.w. I tried to post some pictures here the other day but it didn´t work.. I´m going to see if I can figure something out before I leave Denmark.. maybe I´ll just put up another site for the pics.. well I´ll let you know..

Ohh man I better get going.. maybe I´ll just finish this tonight and post it then..


So my day ended up being really good! Me and Siggi met up with Fannar and Viktor down town and we (well I did) helped Siggi buy some presents for his nieces and friends back in Iceland.. he´s leaving tomorrow for Iceland and staying there for the next two months.. it´s going to be so hard saying goodbye to him! :o( It´s been so awesome being able to hangout everyday again! I´m going to miss him but hopefully I´ll be back to hangout with him in Iceland before he heads back for Denmark in September.. well we´ll see..
At least I got to hangout here with him! Hehe.. he´s taking his exam tomorrow and he´s relaly nervous about that so he keeps coming and talking to me while I´m writing this.. hehe.. God he´s so amazing and I´m so happy to have him as a friend! And yeah I know.. I´m way too emo!

O I saw the coolest thing the other day! It was the last day at K-town and they had this thing called bike wars.. that´s bunch of people driving their built bikes into each other and trying to ruin the other bikes! It was so AWEsome! I took bunch of pics so I´ll have to show you guys when I get back! OMG it was way cool!!!

Other than that we´ve just been enjoying the crazy good weather and hanging out a lot! Helga left on Sunday so it´s just been the four of us and tomorrow Siggi leaves and Fannar too.. o man.. The Thrashmaster (Fannar) is also leaving tomorrow.. I´d forgotten that.. I´m going to miss him too! I can´t wait to have the next Ninja hangout in September and continue teaching him how to cook! Hehe.. I´m telling you guys this guy is one of the most awesome person I´ve ever met in my life! Hanging with him here in Denmark has been way too great! Ok god I´m being emo again.. stop it..

So yeah soon it´ll just be me and Viktor.. but that´s ok cause I know we´ll have a kickass time together.. we´re going tomorrow to see if we can´t find the cheapest way to get from here to Amsterdam.. and yes that is our next destination.. I´ll stay with Siggi tonight and then tomorrow both me and Viktor will stay with Viktor´s sister Dögg and then hopefully we´ll be on our way to Amsterdam on Wednesday.. we´ll find out tomorrow..

But yeah so that´s about it for now.. can´t remember anything else I could write about now.. I´m a little tierd now and I should go pack my backpack before I go to sleep..
I hope you all are well and staying posi!
Thanks for all the sweet comments here and the awesome emails I´ve been getting from you guys! It really means a lot to me that you guys are staying in touch! Thanks!
Ég elska ykkur öll svo mikið!
I love you all so much!
Hanna xxx


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hvaða...emo helvítis..hvurslags ?


At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Þú ert gullmoli Hanna. Langar að vera þarna með ykkur. Haltu áfram að skemmta þér. Hlakka til að sjá þig þegar þú kemur aftur, stútfull af Evrópskri menningu og visku fyrir fáfróða Íslendinga..


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