And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

ok so here goes.. my first post on my travel blog.. it´s a little strange to be doing this now since I´m not leaving until tomorrow.. well acctually I´m leaving in just a few hours.. wow.. I should be packing.. but anyway I wanted to post one "before post" here..
..and yes you probably guessed by now what this whole email and blog thing is..

Hanna has left Iceland!
..well I will have when you read this.. I still kinda can´t believe that I´m really doing this.. it´s really unlike me.. Quitting my job with a weeks notice and getting on a plan to a country without really knowing what I´m going to do or see or where I´ll stay or be.. or just nothing.. I have no clue.. I´m just going to go with the flow and see what I want to see and do what I want to do..
I´m pretty sure nobody excepted me to do anything like this.. but I guess that´s the beauty of it.. I need a change and what better way than to do something that´s completly new and exciting!

I also want start this blog writing of mine and say sorry to the people that I didn´t tell about my plans.. I decided on this in a hurry.. I mean I only made up my mind about going 6 days ago so when I say it was decided in a hurry.. it really WAS decided in a hurry.. but I want you to know that it was never my intension to hurt anybody so if any of you that are reading this found out about my trip through the email I sent to you guys with the address to this blog or worse through someone else and are feeling hurt by me not telling you..
Know that I never wanted to hurt anybody and also know that I had my reasons.. It is just so much easier for me to do this whole thing like this!
You all should know how hard it´s been for me these last weeks.. I really need the change.. everything was just getting a little bit to much for me and I really need to get away.. I´m so tierd of feeling hurt and of crying.. I need to get my head together and figure out a way through all of this..


I´m gonna miss all of you guys SO much!
..but I´ll be back.. I just don´t know when.. yet..
I hope you guys have an awesome summer and please email me and let me know what´s going on with you! I would really love that! I´ll be checking in on my email and stuff whenever I get to a computer and I´ll try to stay as much in touch with you as I can!

Já og elsku Oddný mín ég vona að þú verðir ekki reið við mig en það lýtur út fyrir að ég verði að fara á bak orða minna og koma ekki í brúðkaupið þitt.. ég ætlaði að segja þér það í persónu á laugardaginn en well því miður þá verðuru að heyra það svona! ég vona að þú sért ekki of sár út í mig og getir skilið af hverju ég bara verð að gera þetta!

Ok so keep safe you guys! I better be off packing.. my plane leaves in only 6 hours..
I love you all so much!

Hanna xxx


At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hanna I love you! Good luck, and hopefully I'll see you on the 9th, I'll let you know asap about those details. Get in touch when you reach Denmark. Love Sarah xoxoxo

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott hja thèr. Gangi thèr allt ì haginn. Sjàumst kannski ì Brazilìu eda Vnezuela ;)

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farðu vel með þig! Ég á eftir að sakna þín. Elska þig.

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vá, flipp... Jæja, allavega skemmtu þér bara æðislega vel Hanna mín, láttu þér líða vel. Ég mun sakna þín.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA?!? Ertu ekki að grínast? Bara farin af landinu? Skítt með brúðkaupið, ég hefði nú viljað hitta þig áður en þú færir! Ef þú hefðir sagt mér frá þessum plönum þá hefði ég nú ditchað þessu matarboði án þess að hugsa mig tvisvar um! :o(
Ég elska þig Hannapanna mín, Oddný

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on rockin´ in the free world ;) Þú ert góð í þessu, haltu því áfram!! Elska þig!!



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