And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Friday, June 24, 2005

Ok so I realised after getting a very concerning email from a close friend that I forgot to say in my first blog what my first destination was.. sorry about that.. didn´t mean to make you worry..
Well so I´m in Denmark.. never been here before so this is all very exciting for me.. wanna hear what I´ve been up to? Well if not then just scroll through the next “few” lines :o)

So I ended up finishing packing an hour before I had to get up and get ready to go to the airport.. so I took a nap and then my mom and dad drove me and Helga (a super cool girl who´s been hanging with me in Denmark the whole time) to the airport.. it was really a surprise to me how cool my mom and dad were about my trip.. I knew they´d support me but I never thought they´d support me this much about going but they have! (Takk mamma og pabbi.. þið eigið aldrei eftir að geta ímyndað ykkur hvað stuðningur ykkar við þessa ferð mína skiptir mig miklu máli.. þið eruð algjört æði bæði tvö! Takk! Ég elska ykkur svo mikið!)

I have to say that it was really weird hanging at the concert in Miðberg the night before I left knowing I was leaving you guys but not being able to say proba goodbyes to you all.. but I still think this was the best way.. it strange though when I got home I realised I had been so busy making sure no one except the few people I told about my trip knew about me leaving that I hadn´t been able to orginize my packing (yeah I know what a surprice Hanna orginizing something! :op ) ..but it´s ok Helga is taking stuff back to Iceland with her so I´ll be able to get rid of some stuff before I head into Europe.. still I think I did a good job packing.. I only have a small backpack and my sleeping bag.. a very nice job I´d say!

Well on with the story.. me and Helga were both really tierd when we arrived at the airport but there was an hour to kill before boarding so we just talked and got to know each other better.. I was so tierd when we finally boarded but I tried my best to stay wake in the flight because Helga can´t sleep on planes so I wanted to keep her company.. I managed to do that for the first two hours.. we talked a lot and played cards and I won of course since I´ve been so unlucky in love lately but I fell asleep the last hour of the flight..
Siggi Té (he´s one of my bestest friend in the world) came and picked us up the airport.. we´re staying at his place while we´re here in Cobenhagen.. he´s been so nice showing us around and letting me and Helga sleep in his room (he´s on the sofa!)..
We spent the first day here just walking around and talking.. Siggi showed us Stroget (which is the shopping street here) not that we had any money to spend but it was just cool to see it.. we ended up at this cool veg reasturant and had dinner there.. then Viktor arrived with another flight later that evening and we met up with him at the trainstation..
Yeah just so you know Viktor is going to be my traveling mate! We´re going to travel through Europe together for the next month until he goes home.. then I don´t know what I´ll do.. but I guess I´ll find out later.. I´m not worried about that now :o)

Our second day here in Denmark we decided to crash Sweden! I also never been there so it seemed like a smart thing to do since this trip of mine is about doing stuff I haven´t done before and seeing and experiencing new things! So we took a train to Malmö and spent the day there.. it was so awesome! The weather was incredible and we all had the best time! I bought myself a Pippi Langstrom doll! A small one of course but it´s soo cool! Helga spent 9 years of her life in Sweden so she speaks fluent Swedish.. we walked around trying to find bookstores so she could stock up on Swedish literture..

Then yesterday me and Helga dragged Siggi to see the mermaid.. I think you HAVE to see the mermaid if you go to Cobenhagen.. it´s nothing special.. just a statue on a rock but we took a nice LONG walk getting there and since the weather was SO nice it didn´t matter.. plus I made 2000 icelandic kroners on the way back! Hehe.. we were all really tierd after the extremly long walk to the mermaid and on our walk back we came to these stars.. Siggi said he´d pay me 2000 Icelandic kroners to run up and down the stars 10 times and of course I took the bet even though I was really really tired! But I did it so Siggi paid for dinner and when we got back down town he paid for the tivoli as well! Yeah we went to the tivoli.. well just the three of us (me, Siggi and Helga).. Viktor and Fannar thrashmaster (who arrived yesterday) went to K-town (a crust/punk festival in town).. but you know what I did!?! I went on a roller coaster!!! I never been on one before so I was really proud of me! I even went on all three roller coasters that are in the tivoli! Yay me! One more thing I can say I´ve done! Yeah the tivoli was really cool.. we went on tons of rides and Helga got her candy floss in the end :o)

We have no major plans for today.. the weather´s still good so we´re thinking about going on a picknick in the cemetary.. Siggi has to study for his exam so we want to get out of his way.. it´ll be nice to just chill today since I pretty tierd of all the walking these last three days!

But yeah so here you have it! This is what I´ve been up to since I ran away from Iceland! Well I didn´t really run.. just flew.. I mean like my friend said in an email I got from him “don´t listen to people when they say that you´re running away from your problems.. this takes courage!” (takk Gussi!) ..I´m actually really proud of myself.. this trip is turning out to be one of the best things I´ve ever done in my life! And I´ve only just started! I have so much more to see and experience! I´m really happy about my decision.. you know I´m just really happy for the first time in a long time! I think this is the best thing I could´ve done in the situation I was in!

God this is probably the longest blog I´ll write the whole time I´m here! Shit.. I didn´t realise how long it is.. well if you read it all.. congrats :o)

I miss you all so much though.. hope you all are having at least half as much fun as I am! I think about you all of the time and of the day when we´ll met again.. until then please don´t stop emailing me! I really love hearing what you´re up to!
Stay in touch and be posi!

Ég elska ykkur!

Hanna xxx

Ps. Sarah and Caitlin! I just wanted to day.. Have the best time in Iceland! I really wish I could be there with you while you experience Iceland but I hope our plan will work out and I´ll be able to visit you guys in England instead! Then we can do some serious vegan cooking! Love you both!


At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vá, þetta er frábært Hanna! Yndislegt að þú sért að skemmta þér svona vel. Haltu því áfram og knúsaðu Viktor líka frá mér!

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mér finnst þetta vera frábært hjá þér Hanna mín!! Skil þig svo vel að hafa ekkert verið að tilkynna þetta neitt :)
Ég öfunda þig að vera að flakka og gera það sem þig langar til að gera, ég er að fara að gera svipað og er nokkuð spent, og kvíðin á sama tíma :P

Skemmtu þér bara sem best, og ég hlakka til að lesa meira frá þér!!
hellingur af knúsum

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vá Þetta er alveg frábært hjá þér! Vonandi verður öll ferðin jafn yndisleg og þessir fyrstu dagar hljóma.
Skemmtu þér sem ALLRA ALLRA ALLRA ALLRA best!

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Hanna its Sarah! Yeah im having an awesome time in Iceland thanx, just sad i can´t hang out with you here, but hopefully when we´re both in England we´´ll be able to. I look forward to it! Glad you´re having fun, stay posi and stay in touch! Lotsa love, Sarah xoxoxo

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

vó þú getur talað/skrifað barn!! ;*

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never called you. I feel so bad now and now you are on a trip. I wish you could come visit here. I'm so sorry that I never got a chance to call you. :( I miss you!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


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