And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Monday, December 12, 2005

I really think I'm doing an excellent job blogging here.. my third blog since we left and we have not even been gone a week!
Well I guess that's good though.. feels good to keep you uppdated seeing that I haven't got the time to email everybody and all.. o well if you get bored with my blogs you could always not read them so...
but yeah so the other day Dan told us he had a surprise for us two.. he was pretty excited about it so you can imagine how excited we were! We went to Whole foods (a huge organic supermarket for those of you who don't know) which was pretty neat cause I had never been into one and had promised myself to see one when I came over! Yeah I know these things excite me.. big deal.. you wanna fight about it? hehehe..
Well after Whole foods we went back to Dan's place to wait for Rachel to show up! It was sooo great seeing her again! She's one of the people that came over to Iceland in August with Dan.. we are good friends so seeing her again was awesome!
Then the four of us headed for NY to see our surprise! We went to this place called th Knitting factory which is a place that puts on gigs here and saw that our surprise was a Strike anywhere concert!!! Strike anywhere is only one of my top 10 bands of all time and seeing them live was something I've always wanted to do! You guys can imagine how happy Trigger and I were when we found out about our surprise!
The show was awesome too! Eric the drummer from Strike anywhere came to Iceland last January with his friend Nathan and Kolli and I showed them around Reykjavik and stuff so I was excited about seeing him again! He was really surprised to see me too! hehehe.. but it was great and we talked a lot and decided to hangout more when Trigger and I go down to VA in January! I'm already looking forward to it!
I also got to talk to Thomas the singer in Strike which mind you was pretty cool to me seeing I've adored this mans vocals for such a long time! I was gonna get my stuff from the distro table after Strike had played and saw that Thomas was the only one selling their sutff and there were like LOADS of kids trying to buy stuff from him so I poked him and asked if he needed a hand and of course he just said yes please! So I helped him out and had a great time doing so! when everybody was gone and we had sold loads of stuff we talked a little.. he was just like sooo grateful for the help and I was just happy to have helped! plus I'm kind of a nerd so helping out and seeing Eric again was probably just almost exciting as seeing them play! hehehe.. no maybe not cause there show was just SO freaking awesome!
Yeah that was a pretty good night.. we ended up going the four of us plus this girl that Dan knows to Red bamboo again (the vegan place I told you guys about) and having the BEST dinner I think I have ever had! Buffalo wings in barbecue sause, chicken with parmesan and this delicous chocolate macarone cake for desert! all vegan of course and soooo good!
ahh yes it was such a great night! I have a hard time imagineing anything topping saturday but then again we have only been here for few days and there is soo much to see and do so you never know!
Well I'm off to enjoy some of that vegan carrot cake we bought yesterday so I'm signing off for now!
Thanks all for the comments and messages you guys have been leaving us.. it means so much to us to hear from you guys!


At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maður gæti haldið að sumir væru í Bandawríkjin, "you guys.." "freakin awsome!"... Ætli þið komið ekki bara heim með hwreim??
Hehe þó þið farið yfir atlantshafið má samt alveg gera gwrín af ykkur!
How do you say in icelandic?... Knús?!

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Tóta Batman said...

Hey vá gedveikt ad tú sért ad skemmta tér svona ógedslega vel ástin mín!! Gott gott gott!!! Ég sakna tín mikid!! Smábært bidur ad heilsa tér.. (Smábært er stelpa sem heitir Sissel og er fyndin)

At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hvað er aftur heimilisfangið ykkar um jólin?
Kv. Jólapakki

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vóts og spóts. knústu ameríkuna frá mér...og stuð að heyra hvað er mikið fjör í gangi; maður situr bara hér með öfundarblossa í hjartanu - sveitt yfir jasshljómfræðiprófi sem að byrjar , mind you, eftir smástund... þannig að..knús til þín og ég er alveg tryllt að lesa bloggið þitt :D :D:D


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Þið eruð nú meira fólkið. Fólkið sem ég sakna svo ótrúlega mikið. Yndislegt að heyra að þið eruð að skemmta ykkur svona vel, þið sitjið uppi með message, comment og ég veit ekki hvað og hvað frá mér þannig að ég gæti alveg eins verið þarna með ykkur. Ojæja. Elska þig.. :*

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well maybe tonght we will do some New brunswick vegan places??

Dont wear yourself out yet becuase we still have a whole week of fun stuff to do together

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooolyy shiit!! mig langar líka að hafa séð strike anywhere:(

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

já ég ætla að lesa þetta þegar ég nenni , eg á pottþétt ekki eftir að nenna því , sorry. svo ég ætla bara að draga áliktun , þú ert að skemmta þer vel . það er gott , eg er að deyja en það er bara töff.
vá ég er að slá commenta met Hrafnhildar þú veist að þetta er persónulegur sigur fyrir mig.
jæja bæ


At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Dan´s address??
Christmas parcel wants to know.

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


öfunda þig of mikið fyrir að hafa séð strike anywhere...gosh


At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you coming to VA? I can't wait to see you! I'm already cleaning my apartment (well it really just needed to be cleaned but my motivation was that you'll be here soonish) AHHH when will you be here? i'm going to cry if I have to wait too long!


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