And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wow it feels like it's been ages since I last posted here but I guess it's just that so much has happened!

The last day in Amsterdam turned out to be really great! I really like Amsterdam! truly!
I met some really cool people while I was doing my laundry that afternoon.. these three guys, one girl and me started talking about politics and the world issues and stuff (sounds boring but it really wasn't!) while we were waiting and they turned out to be this really awesome people! well maybe not the girl cause she left but the three guys were awesome!
Later that night me and Viktor went down to the bar cause Viktor wanted a beer and I wanted to get something to eat and I saw one of the guys who was talking to me earlier and invited him to join us.. he came along and he is so nice! he's from Brazil (but lives in Florida for now) so me and you Hjordis are going to sleep at his place when we go to Rio! He insited!
Ok so yeah we were sitting there talking and suddenly the people at the next table joined in our conversation.. there were three of them.. all from England.. so there we are all 6 of us talking when the two other guys from the laundry room turn up and sat down with us.. it was so amazing! There we were; one Icelander (VIktor decided to leave), Felipe from Brazil, Paul from Manchester, John from The netherlands/Canada, Helen from Hastings, Chris from Newcastle, Rob and his girlfriend from the southcoast of England (can't remember where from) and everyone just met a few hours ago and everyone getting along SO well! Amazing!
I ended up going out with them that night! even though I had an early flight the next morning! they really wanted me to join them and I'm so glad I did! I had such a great time!
It's really amazing how well you can get along with people you've just met and how much fun you can have with them! and I wasn't even drinking for that matter!
hehe.. yeah that truly was a great night!

I ended up getting a 3 hour sleep that night and then having to get up to take the train to the airport to catch our flight to London.. ohh yeah I really liked the airline! I recommend to anyone wanting to fly cheap around Europe! It was even cheaper than taking a bus or a train!

So anyway we flew from Amsterdam to London Stansted and from there to Bologna! It was really strange to think that I had spent the morning in the Netherlands, had lunch in England and then spent the afternoon in Italy! We are so lucky to be living now and being able to do this! we really are!

So yeah we arrived in Bologna about 3 pm but then we had this really bright idea of walking to the hostel that we were staying at.. bad BAD idea.. we ened up walking for 7 hours, having to climb a mountain and crawling through fences.. it was horrible! hehe.. ok I exaturating (do you write this like this..? ykja? hmm.. not sure) a bit here.. but we did have to walk for like almost 2 and a half hour, climb a "hill" and the fences part was true! but we were so happy just to get to the hostel in the end that either of us didn't mind! plus the hostel was really nice! even though it was way out in nowhere!

So yeah we're in Italy now!!!

we spent yesterday in Bologna mainly next to this beautiful fountain cause it was SO hot and then we took the train to Florenze and spent the night here! We'll be here the next two nights as well so we're just really enjoying ourselves at the moment!
We're going to explore a bit of Florenze after this blogging and just enjoy being here!
I just can't believe it! I've wanted to go here for such a long time and now that I'm here I really just can't believe it! And to think of what I might have been doing now if I would have stayed in Iceland! no thanks.. this is much better!

Oh yeah you know what we saw last night!!! BATS!!!!!! It was amazing!!!!! (ok I know everything is amazing with me right now so bare with me) We were just sitting outside eating dinner when I saw these "birds" fly like 2 or 3 meters away from us.. they were flying really wierd so I figured they couldn't be birds but they were too big to be butterflies and then I realised: they were bats!!! soooooo cool!!!! like way!!!! :o)
one more animal to add to the list of new animals we've seen so far!

Yes I think this will be all for now! I should wrab this up.. I want to go out in the sun and see more of this beautiful city before the heat gets too much!
I hope you all are well and thanks again for all the emails and stuff!
you guys are wonderful!
I love you all so much!
àst og kossar
Hanna xxx


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Þetta eru engin smá ævintýri elsku Hanna mín. Hlakka til að heyra þetta alltsaman betur þegar þú kemur heim. Get ekki beðið. Elska þig svoo mikið :*

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Það er æðislegt að sjá hve margir draumar hafa ræst so far! Draumar sem ég hef heyrt þig tala um í MÖRG ár! :o)
Hafðu það sem allra best, ég hlakka til að hitta þig þegar þú kemur aftur heim *knús*

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gott að þið eruð á ítalíu en ekki í london...


At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey þú verður að taka myndir af armbandinu í útlöndum!! Manstu!! Hahaha you go girl!! Elska þig

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

það vantaði svo sannarlega hönnu og viktor á against me tónleikunum, það var skrítið að hafa ykkur ekki þarna.

hlakka til að heyra þetta allt frá þér sjálfri þegar þú kemur heim! þykir svo mikið vænt um þig hanna mín.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like two days until we hang out!
im looking forward to it =)
it's gonna be awesome
im looking forward to sampling some of the vegan cooking you promised me =P

lotsa love


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