And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Monday, July 04, 2005

Hey everybody!
What's up?
So we're back in Amsterdam again..
We stayed at Siggi's place in Arnhem for another night but then he just throw us out on the street.. can you imagine that? not? well maybe because he didn't.. hehe.. no there was just a misunderstanding between mr. and mrs. nursepunk and because of that we decided to get out of their way.. I have enough on my mind than to be in the middle of or worse the cause of some tiny lovers argument.. So we decided after thinking it through to just spend two more nights here in amsterdam before we go off to Italy!

It was really too bad though about the whole thing with Siggi and Manon (mr. and mrs. nursepunk) cause I was really looking forward to hanging out with them, getting to know Manon better and being able to hangout with Siggi but I guess it will just have to wait a better time!

So yeah we're back in Amsterdam.. this city is really starting to grow on me.. I mean I liked it when we first got here but it was still just a city I would visit once and no more but now I can really see myself coming here again! strange..

It's been raining today so we've just been doing laundry and planing our trip to Italy better and I'vc been thinking about what I'll do after Viktor leaves for Iceland again.. I have some ideas and most of them seem to be working out so hopefully.. but I wont say anything here yet.. you'll just find out :o)

OMG! I can't believe that by this time tomorrow I'll be in Italy and the day after that I'll be in Florence! It's been a dream of mine to go there since I can't remember! I now I'm just a couple of days from fulfilling that dream! Wow! and to think only 3 weeks ago I was stuck in Iceland and feeling horrible about everything and now here I am! still getting on my feet again but at least I'm doing something like this while I'm at it!

Well I should get going.. me and Viktor are going to enjoy the city for one last time (for now) today and maybe going to this vegetarian restaurant we were told about earlier.. that'll be great!

I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and I miss you loads! I also want to say thanks for keeping in touch by emailing me or messaging me or just leaving a comment here! it means so much to me!
You guys are the greatest!
ast og kossar
Hanna xxx

ps. Valdisin min! eg hugsa svo mikid til thin og eg vona svo innilega ad thu hafir thad eins gott og thu getur haft thad akkurat nuna! eg get ekki bedid eftir ad koma heim og geta stutt thig betur i gegnum thetta! thangad til vertu viss um ad eg hugsi til thin og sendi ther alla tha sterkustu strauma sem eg get! Thu ert ein yndislegasta manneskja sem eg thekki! Ekki lata neinn segja ther annad! eg elska thig elsku disin min! ast og kossar fra litlu sys!


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uss, Amsderdam rokkar! Er þarna með ykkur í huganum, það er svosem ágætt líka! En ég fer á flakk sjálf á miðvikudaginn! Hlakka til að sjá þig Hanna mín!

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kona!
knústu ítalíu frá mér...buhu og kysstu flórens, þar er æði að vera....



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