And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Here we are! in the states!!!
Yes we just got here last night to NY city and woke up this morning in New Brunswick, NJ! crazy really!
Yesterday was the longest day of our life! We woke up in London in Paul's room and got ready for the flight.. then we went with Paul to Angel to have lunch at the Indian Veg which is one of the best and cheapest vegan restaurant in London! sooo good! After eating ourselves full we said our goodbyes to Paul (it was teary mind you) and headed on our way to the airport. Our flight wasn't until 5 so we were in no hurry and arrived at the airport long before our flight.. had a good hour and a half to kill before our flight which was mainly just spent listening to music, reading Harry Potter (I started the fifth book) and talking together.
The weather was a little crazy so when we finally boarded the plane we had to wait in there for almost 50 minutes before taking off.. which would have been ok if we wouldn't have a 8 hour flight adead of us.. hehehe.. trigger was getting bored even before we took off! hehehe..
The flight was all right though.. it was long but we slept a little, talked a lot, I read and then they were showing some good movies so that killed some time.. I watched Wallance and Grommit.. it's sooo good!
We arrived in NY at 9 pm local time but 2 am london time so we were pretty tired! Dan and his friend came to pick us up though and we headed straight to this vegan restaurant called the red bamboo.. I've heard stories about that place so I was pretty excited.. and I have to say that it did deliever.. the food there was soooo good mind you! I had "fish and chips".. the fish being made out of soy and completely vegan.. mmmm.. and then after eating Ryan (Dan's friend) was the sweetest and paid for the whole meal! so nice of her!
We saw a bit of NY last night after dinner.. it's amazing I tell you.. Dan drove around showing us Empire state building and a little bit of NY.. pretty neat being here but still kind of sureal.. seeing I've been planing this trip for such a long time!
Today we're heading for NY again.. we're meeting our friend Rachel around 3 and she's coming with us.. Dan has a surprice for us.. I'm really excited! but then again I'm excited about everything right now.. hehehe.. just being here and seeing Dan again is almost too good to be true! can't wait to see Rachel and then maybe Lia as well! ahhh life is good!
Well this will be all for now.. just wanted to let you guys know that everything is going well and we're having the BEST time.. even though we are a little tierd from jumping from one continental to another.. heheh.. but I guess that will pass in few days!
well I'll post more later.. and maybe if you're really lucky some pics as well.. you never know!
With love from NY/NJ


At 3:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Þú hefur ekki hugmynd um hvað ég sakna þín mikið. Neibb, ekki hugmynd segi ég. Gott að heyra að þið eruð komin þarna yfir og allt gekk vel, haldið áfram að skemmta ykkur svona vel, og vonandi fæ ég að heyra í ykkur röddina á næstu dögum. Elska þig svoooo mikið elsku Hanna mín, þú ert yndisleg!

At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gaman að heyra frá ykkur, þetta hljómar einsog alvöru sumarfrí um miðjan vetur... Ok for some... (öfund!). Haldiði áfram að skemmta ykkur svona vel ætla að senda ykkur feitt email í dag með fréttum. Kv Stórasys

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hæ hanna mín...
rosalega hljómar þetta allt geðveikt spennandi.. jetlag is a small price to pay :D þið hafið það sem best þarna.... sakna þín en gaman að lesa bloggin..

At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAhhhhhh bið að heilsa Tryggva og New York! :o)


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