And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Thursday, December 08, 2005

hello hello hello
So here I am again.. doing this one more time.. I can't believe that I'm on the road again.. for like the third time this year.. seems like I've been spending the better half of the year traveling really.. well at least the second half.. feels good mind you though!
I have a partner this time a little closer to me than the before.. I talked my brother Trigger into going with me so for the next couple of months we'll be traveling together.. exploring new things and just having a blast together like we always have when we hangout!
We left Iceland yesterday.. flew from Keflavik airport to Stansted airport in England.. everything went really well.. and we were in london in no time and without much effort. I've been here so often that now it just feels like coming home whenever I come over! this is my 11th time in London so I've gotten used to things and sorta know what everything is all about.. no worries here!
We're staying with our friend Paul here in London.. he's been ace like he always is! having the best time seeing him again! we did a little sight seeing today.. Paul hasn't explored a lot in London (he's from Scotland) and I always said I'd show him around the next time I'd come over! hehehe.. so today we did a bit of that then Trigger and I decided to take a trip down to Brighton to check out this awesome band that was going to be playing there called Hella.. we took a train down which took about an hour and then walked in the pouring rain around Brighton trying to find the place the gig was supposed to be at.. we asked a bunch of people and finally found a person that could help us out.. but not before trigger had been hit by a flying egg! hehehe.. there we were just minding our own business when this guy threw an egg at us when he drow past us! it was so random that trigger and I couldn't help but to laugh! hehehe.. but yeah then we finally found the place that the ledengary gig was supposed to be at only to find out that it had been cancelled! hehehehe.. it was sooo funny! what a rotten night you might be thinking to yourself.. but I'll tell you we had the BESTEST time! yes it was a bummer spending all that money on a traintickets and all and being soaked and then get an egg thrown at us but hey! it just made us laugh! hehehehehe.. we weren't bothered to think about it but just decided, after finding out that we couldn't even meet up with our friend Keg that lives there, to take the next train back to london to see Paul again!
sooo now here we are.. both pretty tierd.. well Trigger is actually fallen asleep but I have to keep awake cause Paul had to work tonight and I have to stay up to let him in when he finishes.. which should be like ages ago but anywho..
tomorrow we'll be doing a little more sight seeing with Paul in London and just enjoying the time we have here with him! he's on of the best people we know and it sucks that we don't get to see him more but well we'll see him now and then on our way back as well! yes there's always plenty of good times going on Friday we head over to the states! heading for NY and we'll be arriving there around 8.. Dan, our kick ass friend in NJ, is picking us up and taking us straight to the best vegan place in NY! he has plenty of things planned for us and we're sooo excited about that.. though we're mostly just excited about seeing him again and hanging out with him!
well this is all for us for now.. plenty of action on the first 2 days of our around 60 day trip! Paul just got back from work so I'm going to hangout a bit with him before heading to bed!
I'll be writing about our trip here like I did with my Europe trip this summer so please feel free to read about it and please comment and stay in touch if you can! that would awesome!
well that's all.. hope you enjoy reading about our "little" trip!
I'll put up more later..


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yebb, I'm doing it again, commenta á hvert eeeinasta blogg. Er ekkert smá glöð að fá að fylgjast með hvað er í gangi hjá ykkur. Og að heyra röddina ykkar í talhólfinu mínu eftir að bölva sjálfri mér fyrir að hafa misst af símtalinu ykkar. Anyway, leiðinlegt að heyra með Hella showið en haldiði áfram að skemmta ykkur. Ég er með ykkur í anda. Love!

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott að heyra að allt gekk vel. Stóra systir með stórusystraáhyggjur var ánægð að heyra í ykkur.
Síðan þið fóruð frá íslandi hefur ekkert breyst jú nema það er komin einhver stór ljóshærð kona í Heilsuhúsið í staðinn fyrir þessa sætu rauðhærðu. Kláraði að föndra jólagjöfina ykkar í gær. Hún er mjög praktísk en ég er ekki viss um að hún komist í gegnum ameríska tollinn... Vonum það besta.
Skemmtið ykkur vel í London og hlakka til að fylgjast með ferðinni. Knús til ykkar beggja, Stórasys

At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Hanna!!!

At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hversu svalt er að fá egg í sig ! ahahaha

þið eruð æði..skemmtið ykkur milljón þarna úti


At 5:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott að allt gekk vel. Ég er svo súúúúúúúúr og svekkt að hafa misst af þér. En ég knúsaði þig fullt í huganum og bíð spennt eftir að þú komir heim aftur! :o)

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ó mæ lord... þvílikur bömmer að missa af hella! *samhrygg* shii þið eruð búinn að vera í burtu bara í nokkra daga og ég sakna ykkar strax svvoo oft sem ég hef hugsað "hey! mig langar að hitta hönnu og tryggva" og þá kemur þessu skíta hugsan allaf á eftir! "nei djöfullinn þau eru úti" og þá kemur það versta!!!! "líklegast að fara að hitta matt í shai hulud!" neinei segi svona... hmmm ja... ég kveð bara for now og vona bara að þið skemmtið ykkur ofur vel og vonandi lendið í fleirum egg kastandi atvikum

hugs and kisses
and a searching eye for beautiful boys;)


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