And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Before I say anything else I want to say this:
Merry Christmas to you all!
These last few days have been sooo great! Trigger and I have been lucky enough to spend the holidays with my friend Bill and his family in IL! They have been super nice and just done everything to make us feel welcome and wanted!
I’ll admit that yesterday was really hard for me.. especially the morning and around noon.. I knew that by that time everybody at home would be getting ready for Christmas (there’s a 6 hour time difference between here and Iceland) and it felt so weird not to be doing exactly that! Kristjana called around 11 and I miss her a lot.. she’s also going through a really hard time right now and it breaks my heart not being able to be there for her so that was really hard.. then just half an hour after she had called mom&dad called and anybody that knows me really well can understand why that was really hard too.. after talking to them I was really confused and I felt really sad and homesick too.. I really wanted to talk to someone but Trigger had been in a kind of ill mood these last days and I was kind of waiting for him to want to talk about it and didn’t want to force my thoughts on him so you know I felt a little alone.. I kept thinking about my friends back home and just missing them terribly.. in the end though Bill and I went to town together and we had a really good talk.. plus we went to see Bill’s other family.. the family that probably had the most saying in how Bill is today.. Seth’s family.. The Seth we stayed with in Chicago.. both him and his family are super cool so after all that and just spending time with Bill I felt loads better! Then when we got back Trigger had a really good talk to me and we finally sorted out those things that had been bothering him.. so after that I felt even better!
O and guess what we did on Thorlaksmessa (the 23rd).. we went on a road trip with Bill and his friend Matt (who btw can play Sleep terror on his guitar! I’ve seen it and let me tell you it is crazy!) to get Seth in Chicago! After that we all headed to a place called Hillside (a Chicago suburb) to see this band called Hewhocorrupts.. they were really really good! Plus the 5 of us had such an amazing time together! Both Seth and Matt are so awesome! We had plenty of time to hangout cause the band we wanted to see didn’t play until like 4 hours after we arrived at the venue! Kind of a bummer but we had a blast so it was all right! On the way home I was in front with Seth keeping him awake through the night cause we were driving back from the venue at around 3 am and it takes around 3 hours to get from there to Bill’s house! It was great though cause Seth is like way nice and cool so it was great getting the opportunity to talk to him a little one on one! Yes that was a really good night!
Then last night (the 24th) we went to see Vicky’s brother.. there was a little family get together there and both Trigger and I ended up having a lot more fun there than we thought we would! Bill’s family is really nice! It was really great seeing Bill around his family too.. both this one and Seth’s.. finally you start to get some of the jokes that he makes and you see from where he picks up all these things! Hehehe..
Well then after the “party” we went to the airport to pick up Bill’s brother Anthony or Tai for short who is also home for the holidays.. we drove back home all 6 of us and ended just talking and then playing poker and having so much fun! Well until 2 am cause then we all had to holler ass to bed cause next morning would be Christmas morning and some people hadn’t even finished their wrappings.. hehehe..
Then this morning we were woken up at 8:30 cause there was some serious package opening starting.. hehehe.. Vicky had obviously gone all out again to make us feel welcome cause both Trigger and I got tons of presents! She had made us stockings (yes MADE us stockings!) and Santa had left us both loads of little presents! We also got loads of presents from under the spinning Christmas tree (Yes SPINNING Christmas tree!) that were from Vicky and Ed even though they just wrote from Santa on all of them! Hehehe.. We got sooo much! It was crazy! Then after all the opening everybody helped out cleaning the house cause there was a family get together here at 2.. the family having early dinner together.. I made nut loaf, with the help of Trigger of course, that ended up being really really good! Mmm..
The family arrived around 2 and then everybody ate and then ate some more.. hehehe.. mmm.. it’s now around 11 and the last guests just left! It was crazy cause even though usually these family things just make me feel uncomfortable and that’s with my own family.. well not my mom’s side but my dad’s.. but today was actually really nice! I had loads of fun talking to all of them and getting to know them better!
Tomorrow is our last whole day here.. it’s kind of sad cause both Trigger and I really like it here and plus it’s been sooo great hanging out with Bill again so we both are not looking forward to say goodbye to him at all! It’s going to be well hard! But it has to be done cause on Tuesday Bill’s driving us up to Chicago to the airport cause we’re heading to DanP in NJ.. again!! We’re excited about seeing him again and the people there that we started to get to know and just hangout more! We’re going to be there for a couple of nights and then we’re heading to PA to spend a week or so at Rachel’s! That will be exciting!
Well I hope you guys are having the BEST Christmas all of you! I miss you all and I’m thinking about all of you and just really hoping you guys are enjoying the holidays the best you can!
I love you all!


At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww honey sound like so much fun sweety:) i am just here in Amsterdam with my little family (Eiki and Hneta my cat) having a really nice time, it´s great to be here one christmas and have no stress or to many pople:) buuut next year i am going home i miss my family:) hugs and kisses beautyfull!!!

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég er SVO fegin að jólin redduðust hjá þér elskan mín. Alltaf jafn gaman að lesa um ævintýrin þín í úglöndunum.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ég veit aldrei hvað ég á að skrifa í svona comment en mig langaði bara að láta þig vita að ég les bloggið þitt! gaman að heyra hvað þið eruð búin að vera að gera, sakna ykkar beggja og hlakka til að hitta ykkur aftur þegar þið komið heim!


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