And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hey you guys
Sorry about not blogging for awhile.. been a little busy with Trigger meeting up with friends, getting to know new people and just exploring more of the states!
I’ll try to write about the stuff we’ve been doing in the past week.. not sure if I’ll remember everything cause it’s been awhile but just bare with me..
Ok so we stayed with DanP in New Brunswick until the 18th.. we used the time to explore around NJ/NY.. went to NYC to hangout with my very awesome friend LiaB.. she had the day off from work and was nice enough to use it to show us around the city.. we went to Times square, Rockefeller center and walked around all of Manhattan.. no maybe not but we did walk around a lot that day.. then after walking around we had dinner the three of us at the Red bamboo which is fast becoming our favorite restaurant.. the food was just as good as before and we ate way too much! Then we went with Lia to her place in Hoboken, NJ which is just a 15 minute drive on the path (a train).. she was giving away some clothes and she let me go through them.. I found a new pair of pants and some t-shirts and stuff which was great cause I can’t really afford to buy too much here but I’m also sort on cloths so that was really sweet of her! Yes we had a great day with her!
The next few days we spent the days exploring New Brunswick and Princeton during the day cause Dan had to work and then during the nights we either hangout at his place with him and his roommates who are probably one of the best people I’ve met in my life! Or we went out with few of his friends.. well either way just tried to spend as much time with Dan cause he’s such a great friend of ours and we wanted to use the time we had with him seeing we don’t get to hangout as much as we’d like!
On Friday we went to see my favorite NJ band.. well just one of my favorite bands really.. they’re called Make me and Dan introduced them to me when he was in Iceland.. I really really like them so I was really stoked about seeing them play live.. and man did they deliver! Their show was sooo good.. everybody just singing along and enjoying themselves.. so much fun! Plus the guys were really really nice too! We talked a lot to them and spent the night trying to convince them to come to Iceland! Hehehe.. well Danny the singer is probably coming to Iceland but just to explore it himself but not to play but still he’s ace so it will be great having him over!
On Saturday Dan had the day off so we went to NYC again and walked around more.. we went to Times square again but this time during the evening which was so weird cause it looked so different from when we saw it with Lia.. we also went to Central Park and to the Met (a museum).. then we headed back to NJ cause Dan wanted to take us to a diner.. seeing NJ is the diner state.. hehehe.. it was certainly an experience to eat there!
On Sunday the 18th we had to cacth a flight to Chicago at 4 so Dan, Rachel and Danny (the singer in Make me) all went with us to this Indian place to have lunch before our flight.. we had a great time there.. Dan is getting ready to move to India in June so he felt he should try to eat like Indians to and order his food “as hot as hell”.. hehehe.. it was sooo funny to see him sweating but still trying to finish his food.. hehehe.. he did it though so thumbs up for him! You’ll do great in India Dan! We have faith in you! <3
The flight to Chicago was good.. we both slept through most of it.. then we waited for Seth and Mishelle (Bill’s friend) to come pick us up.. when they came they had the cutest sign for us! O and a pleasant surprise too! Bill was with them!!! He was suppose to come the day after us but he arrived the same day and they had picked him up earlier! It was so great seeing him again! We both had missed him!
We spent the next two days in Chicago.. Mishelle had the day off the next day so she was kind enough to use her day off to show us around.. we went to Metal haven (one of the best metal record stores in the states) and to Reckless records (a great record store too!).. Trigger bought sooo much stuff! Hehehe.. then we decided to head to Sears tower and go to the top! It was crazy! Sears tower is the tallest building in the world and we went to the 103 floor! We got a great view of the city and just had a blast up there!
It was kind of sad to have to say goodbye to Mishelle and Seth.. especially for me to say goodbye to Mishelle! She is one of the sweetest girl I’ve met in awhile and we got along really really well! Hopefully we’ll see her again sometime over Christmas and she might be coming to Iceland in April too! I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
But yeah this has been our trip so far.. last night we drove down south from Chicago and met up with Bill’s mom Vicky and his step dad Ed.. they have been really nice to us and really made us feel welcome here in their o so Christmassy house! Serioucly though.. never seen a house this Christmassy! It’s nice though.. I like it.. it’s getting me in the Christmas mood finally! It’s been really weird for me especially not doing the things I usually do around this time a year.. I’ve not been baking, buying and wrapping presents, decorating, writing Christmas cards or anything really.. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss it.. but well I wanted to try something new and so far it’s been a blast! I’m having fun even though I have to say that I’m starting to miss some people back home a little.. been cheating a little and buying some presents.. not sure if I’m sending them all back home.. been posting some but some might just have to wait until I get back! Just to get you guys excited! ;o)
Well this will do for now.. been quite a long one.. but well I had a lot to tell you guys and I wanted to make sure that you were up to date on what’s going on with us! Have had some messages and emails telling me to sit my ass down and get down to some serious blogging.. hehehe.. but well I’ve done that now so..
I miss you guys loads! We both do!
Have a happy holiday! I’ll definitely but up another blog before Christmas but I still wanted to remind you all to make sure you don’t get caught in the stress that sometimes surrounds this time of year and rather leave things out so you can really enjoy this wonderful holiday! O and remember.. be thankful for all the wonderful and amazing people in your life that you are lucky enough to have around you! I know I am!
Keep staying in touch.. we’re both really glad you do!
With love from your favorite siblings in the states!


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ég var akkúrat að hugsa í dag að það væri ógeðslega langt síðan ég hef heyrt eitthvað frá ykkur! eða.. "heyrt".. gaman að fá smá update :) skemmtið ykkur vel, miss you lots

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Tóta Batman said...

Vá sjitt mér finnst eins og ég ætti ad fá einhverskonar vidurkenningu fyrir ad hafa lesid tetta allt!!
Ég er ad fara til Holbæk í dag ad jólast.. er búin ad vera í Køben sídan á mánudag. Allir hinir íslendingarnir eru farnir heim.. I´m the last one standing.
Gledileg jól rassar!!

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

vááá þetta var langt! en samt ýkt gaman að heyra af ykkur!
verið dugleg að hafa það ýkt gaman (ja ýkt er nýja gelgju orðið mitt undanfarið, gaman af því)
og ja ekki gleyma að búa til snjókalla og taka bill í snjóinn
*sakn og kossar*

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jólaknús frá systur í Frakklandi. Tristan saknar ykkar.


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