And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Last weekend I went to DC with my friend Jess, another intern James and Tryggvi of course.. it was the best weekend ever! I honestly haven't had as much fun and laughed as much in sooo long!
My friend wrote a blog about it and with her permission (not really though.. hehehe..) I'm posting the weekend here seen through my friend's Jessica's eyes:

"So I had the best weekend ever! My friend Hanna (without an h at the end) and her awesome brother Trigger (ice kid) are in town visiting and everything is so much fun with the 2 of them around. but this weekend was hands down one of the best weekends i've ever had. I went to DC with Hanna, Trigger, and James and we got in on Saturday and we went straight to sticky fingers. We ate some good stuff and then found a KFC to leaflet at. Hanna made an awesome dancing chicken! after that we walked around and tried to find a place to eat (I got us lost a little) we ended up eating at this chinese place that didn't look too good but was actually great!

Saturday night we stayed at this church with some of James' friends and everyone was so nice and so welcoming and just really great. I met a ton of really awesome people!
Hanna and James played soccer with 2 other people (I can't remember any names! ) and we finally got to sleep...well nap. it was freezing and none of us brought blankets but everyone shared stuff with us which was really cool of them. the floor wasn't very comfortable either but it was a small price to pay for such a fun day and night.

On Sunday we walked around DC for a few hours. played some air sports (air soccer rules) pretty much we walked around DC looking stupid but it was way too much fun. Hanna got hurt playing air soccer though and I dont remember when this happened but at some point during the day Hanna hit Trigger in the head with a stick. He is now claiming to have head trauma. but anyway moving on. We stopped by the White House and asked George to come play kickball with us but the guy at the gate said that he was in meetings or golfing or something. I can't remember. anyway after exploring all that stuff we took a nap in the park and then we went to Sticky Fingers again to stock up and bring goodies back to some friends.

Hanna, Trigger, and myself went to pangea and got a few things (ok Hanna got like, the whole store!) but I limited myself to just a few things. including 2 bumper stickers "friends don't let friends drink milk" and "How can you be pro-LIFE and eat DEAD animals?" that was my favorite one but I gave it to a friend at work today.

hmm then we just drove around for a while, tried to figure out what we were doing, if we were waiting and having dinner with some of Hanna's friends or if we were going to leave and stop in Richmond for dinner. so we parked while we waited to hear back from Hanna's friends and took a nap in the car (oh yeah sleep!) and we ended up just picking up James from Union station (where I accidently went into the parking garage and they made us pay $6) then we pretty much got on the road and left.
We stopped in Richmond and ate dinner at Panda Veg which is a great place to eat there! vegan buffet! we all ate too much and then drove the rest of the way back home to Norfolk.

Anywho I just can't get over how much fun I had with all 3 of them. I wish Hanna and Trigger could stay forever but I guess I'll just have to go visit them in Iceland. oh ice people are so awesome! and I guess James is pretty cool too.

Ok now I'm done. back to work.

Thanks Hanna, Trigger, and James for making it such a fun weekend and to James' friends for letting us stay with them and for being so nice to all of us."

I love my friend Jess way too much! She is awesome! If you ever have the change to meet her (my Icelandic friends will when she comes over this spring) then you should definitely cause she is one of the silliest and bestest people in the world! for serious!


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott þú ert að skemmta þér vel! Hlakka ótrúlega mikið til að sjá þig skvísa! Var ég kannski búin að segja það áður? ;)

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alltaf gaman að lesa... fannst bara tími til kominn að marr skildi eftir skilaboð hérna hehe:)


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