And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I was terrorizing NYC on my birthday.. just wanted to share it! :o)
Time is flying by us now.. the last weeks of our trip are upon us and the only thing we can do is to enjoy them the best we can and start looking forward to heading home!
We're in Norfolk, VA now.. took a bus down here on Sunday instead of Saturday cause we ended up missing the one on Saturday (surpriced?) but it was alright.. actually worked out better cause we got to spend more time with DanP in Jersey which we always like!
Anyways so we got to Norfolk on Sunday and my friend Jessica came and picked us up at the bus station.. it was and has been sooo great seeing her again! I can't believe how well we get along.. especially since we've spent more time apart than together for the time we have known each other! well that's what true friends are like!

But yeah we're in Norfolk.. I'm interning at PETA again and Tryggvi is volunateering for the most part while we're here.. we both like it here a lot! Especially I cause I'm seeing all these people I haven't seen in soo long and it's been great! almost everybody remembers me which I think is crazy seeing how big this organisation is and how many people intern here every year! But it's cool. It's been great seeing everybody again (well everybody that's still here) and hanging out.. we've also been hanging out with the other interns who are all very nice people and completely drama free which is a nice relief from the time when I was interning last.. hehehe..

o and before I forget.. my friend Jessica has a cell which you guys can use to get a hold on me for the next week and a half.. it's 505-681-8121 and you can call us anytime after 5:30 our time (Iceland is 4 hours ahead) cause that's when we finish work.. and we'll be staying with Jessica until the 28th so anytime between now and then if fine!

Next weekend (or tomorrow most likely) we're going to Washington DC to explore the big city! I'm really excited! Hopefully one of the intern James will join us too.. he's really cool! Such an awesome guy! like the american version of Paul from Scotland! super cool guy!
But yeah we want to go to DC and see the White house, eat at Sticky fingers (a bakary in DC that sells vegan stuff like Doughnuts.. mmmm.. can't wait!) and see our friend Ryan from Bloomington who's coming down to see his friend Orion in DC! so hopefully we'll be able to hangout with them a little!

Well this is all for now.. I'm going to KB's custard to buy some vegan ice cream with the guys and then hanging out at the Gordon house tonight (the intern house) which is always fun!

Hope you guys are enjoying life without us cause soon we'll be back and then there's no getting rid of us! well at least not yet.. hehehe..



At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eddie izzard is waiting for you back home !

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allt að verða vitlaust. cool að rífa sig svona up and away...

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesúss minn!! ég vildað ég væri þú!! ég bíð bara ennþá og er búin að týna númerinu hennar Kristjönu af því að ég er fáviti...

At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott að heyra frá ykkur. Var að spá í að hringja í dag því mín brottför til Parísar frestaðist um einn dag og það væri svooo gott að heyra í þér... En mér sýnist þú vera í DC.. Mæli með bátsferðunum frá Union Station, The DC Ducks, það var rosa gaman og maður sér allt að helsta á tæpum klukkutíma!
Knús og heyrumst, ég sakna ykkar!!

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JEY! Það er orðið ótrúlega stutt þangað til ég fæ að sjá þig aftur! Mikið gaman mikið grín!

At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

þþið eruð svo miklar dúllur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pant eigykkur! >.<


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