And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Yay! we made it!
The 17 hour greyhound ride is over and we're in New Brunswick, NJ at Dan's place once again!
The ride went amazingly well compared to.. well everything. It was hard for us both to say goodbye to Ryan in Indianapolis.. he really didn't want us to leave and apart of us just wanted to stay in that little town with him and Sherri forever! but all good things must come to an end plus Ryan is coming to Iceland soon and we'll be seeing him in Bloomington (at least I will) by the summer so.. even though it was hard saying goodbye it felt good to know we had had this time together and there was plenty more to come now that we were all so close!
We left Indianapolis at 12:40 am so we both either slept or were half asleep for the first 8 or 9 hours of the trip.. there were some stops made in the middle of the night were everybody had to get of the bus so it was basicly naptime for like 2 hours then a stop so we went out to stretched our legs then back on the bus and sleep some more and so on.. then when we got too tired of sitting and sleeping we both read loads.. yes that's right.. both of us! Even Tryggvi is reading a book! amazing! Bill recommended to us to read this book called Choke by the same guy that wrote Fight club and Tryggvi is reading that now and I'm going to read it when he's done because I'm almost finished with Harry Potter..
but yeah that was our busride.. we didn't really try to keep to ourselves but in the end I guess it just turned out that way.. the only really interesting people on the bus was the "parents" as we called them.. two people my age that had two babies and were traveling from Indianapolis to NYC.. other than that the bus was full of the wierdest bunch of people I've ever seen! hehehe..
But like I said it's over and we're at Dan's now! He came and picked us up at Newark and then we met up with Rachel and her husband Sean and made dinner together and watched an old Miyashaki movie.. he's one of my favorite directors and I hadn't seen this movie so it was nice even though I did fall asleep the last 30 minutes or so..
O yeah b.t.w. we got tickets back home to Iceland finally! so yeah we're coming home! hehehe.. iceland express had one of their sale going on so I woke up at 4 am (not something I was glad to do) and bought to tickets for us from London to Iceland the 5th of Feburary! so there you have it. the date we'll be returning to Iceland! I'm sure there are a few that will be glad now that we have a certain date.. hehehe.. just gotta make sure we don't miss our flight ;o)


At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! the 5th of february! this is only one day after my birthday! it´s gonna be one of the best presents I could have asked for. I´m so glad you didn´t get a new identity down there in indianapolis to hide from us. haha!
hope that you will still have funny times there!


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gott að heyra að allt gengur vel hjá ykkur, hlakka til að hitta ykkur í febrúar!!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eins gott fyrir ykkur að missa ekki af fluginu! I miss you! :o/


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