And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Friday, January 06, 2006

We found it! the dream town of any punk kid! It's in Indiana and it's awesome! they have it all.. small independent record stores that sell their stuff as cheap as possible and bookstore with zines and crimethink books.. they have nice coffee houses and good health food stores.. they have a good scene with nice people and good bands.. it's sooo cheap to rent here and live..
what more could a punk kid such as myself ask for?!?
I don't want to leave.. serioucly.. and the guys don't want us to leave so it works out fine! I'm staying you guys.. if you want to see me you'll have to find me in Bloomington, Indiana! I'll send you the address when I find a place to rent and such.. have a great year cause I won't be coming back!
no I'm just kidding.. though I really wish I was staying here.. I really like it! We've been staying with our friend Ryan and his roommate and band member Sherri that we also met when their band Defiance, Ohio came in April and played in Iceland.. they have been super nice to us and we've really enjoyed being here in this sweet little town of theirs!
They (Ryan and Sherri) are opening a record store here right beneath the appartment they're renting and we've helped a little out with that plus we had the privilege to be their first ever costumers but mainly we've just had a good time cooking dinner and eating together, seeing the rest of the Defiance, Ohio crew and exploring this punk town!
Tonight there's a show in town that we're going to and then tomorrow we are leaving Bloomington (buhuhuhu!).. We have the longest busride ever ahead of us! We're taking a greyhound from Indianapolis, Indiana to Newark, New Jersey! It will take about 18 hours sooo not looking forward to that! still it's the cheapest way to travel and we both are running out of money so it will have to do!
We should be in New Jersey at 10:40 on Sunday morning and Dan (of course who else is that incredibly nice to us!) is picking us up! Unfortunately there is no room for us to stay at his house at the moment so we'll be heading down to Pennsylvania to stay with our friend Rachel there! It's cool cause Dan is going to hangout with us as much as he can and we'll get to explore some of Pennsylvania while we're at it! Then the plan is to see if we can't stay with my friend Lia in NYC before heading on yet another bus to Norfolk, Virgina! I really want to try to get some people out to dinner on my birthday which is only in a week now so if you live in the New Jersey area please join me for dinner the 12th of January! pretty please!
Well this is all for now.. I'll put up more when there is more to tell!
love you all!


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

þú skalt sko ekki dirfast að flytja eitthvert út í rassgat! bloomington indiana hvað, pfff

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sjii..djofull hljoma thessar plotubudir fokking sweet....uff..heppnu thiiid!

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Va, vaeri eg til i ad fljuga bara til ykkar og bua med ykkur tharna. Thetta hljomar of nice. E
n.. Eins gott ad thid komid heim, thannig er thad bara.

Eg sakna thin alltof mikid!
Elska thig! :*

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

vó þessi staður hljómar vel einhverntíman skellum við okkur saman þangað.. en fariði nú að koma heim!


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