And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Monday, January 09, 2006

So tonight we have a 17 hour ride on a greyhound ahead of us.. We've finally managed to find a way to leave this magical punk town in the middle of Indiana.. we're coming back here.. soon! I'm thinking late summer.. early fall! definitely!
But so tonight we'll be heading from Indiana to the great New Jersey again.. we're both not really looking forward to this trip mainly because it will take waaaay too long and both Trigger and I are excited about having to sit still on a bus for all that time.. but well it will be an experience since we've only once been on a greyhound before and that was from Chicago to Indianapolis a week ago but that was only like 3 hours so even though it was interesting in a way it wont be anything compared to the trip tonight.. I guess if you are traveling in the states this is something you really have to experience at least once.. it's the ultimate of the ultimate.. the greyhound!
Yesterday was a pretty nice day and night.. we hungout in Bloomington during the day cause the weather was sooo nice! like really sunny and warm! not like January at all! felt like the same as late May in Iceland actually! really nice!
Then last night Ryan went with his friend to Lexington but we stayed behind and went with Sherri, BZ and Marty (BZ's boyfriend) to go midnight hiking! It was waaaay awesome! We all put on our hiking boots.. well I only had converse so.. hey they're made for climbing right!?! hehehe.. well we all got our "hiking" stuff and some flashlights and left probably around 10sh from Ryan's and Sherri's place.. we headed out of town to explore the surroundings of Bloomington which are I might say pretty cool! Marty had lived here is whole life so he knew exactly where to take us and all.. it was really awesome and plus it was a pretty warm night so we ended up not coming back until around 2sh! all pretty exhausted after all the hiking! plus we had found this really really cool playground for kids that is probably opening soon but we snuck in there and played in this really huge castle that they had made with these really aweome slides! It was pretty wicked! We had the best time hanging out with the guys last night!
We didn't really wake up early this morning but early enough so we'll be well tired for the bus ride tonight.. our bus leaves at 12:40 am.. and we should be getting into Newark at 6 pm.. I'm not excited about it but I am excited about seeing my friends in NJ again so I guess I just have to suck it in..
well wish us luck on our trip on the greyhound!
I'll let you know when we're save and sound in NJ!


At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blablabla allt er svo frábært hja okkur.. okei kúl.. ég er líka skemmtileg er tad ekki?? komid heim!!!

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaah loksins eitthvað sem ég ofönda ykur ekki af! að sitja lengi í rútu er hell! en ég samhryggist samt...

ojjj! ég er að hlusta á against me og svo kom í laginu "we're never comming home"... þið ætlið að koma heim er að ekki ? *hvolpaaugu*
engin getur staðist hvolpa augun múhahaha

ég skal baka handa ykkur eplaköku for a change;)


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