And I'll say goodbye and hope never to mean it..

Monday, January 30, 2006

Well the day has finally come.. our last day in the states! I can't believe it's here.. that in only few hours we actually leave the U$A and head over to England to spend some time there with friends before heading to Iceland again!
We've been on the rode for almost 2 months now and still it seem to me like it was only yesterday that I spent my last night in Iceland at Kristjana's new home.. yet I know it can't be when I think of all the wonderful memories I've made in these last month and all the amazing people I've shared them with!
I feel very blessed! In these last months I have gained so many friends.. made friendships that I know will last me a life time! I'm so thankful to have met all these people but now that I'm leaving the states I must say that I'm feeling really sad.. at least while I was here you guys were only a busride away but soon the Atlantic ocean (my biggest enemy) will separate us once more.. just thinking about it makes my eyes fill with tears.. I'm going to miss you guys so much!
To Jessica, James, Shelly, Seth, Ryan, Sherri, Justin, Bill, Dan, Rachel, Sean and the rest of the wonderful people that took me in and made this trip so awesome I want to say thanks! from the bottom of my heart! I will miss you all soo much and I can't wait to have you guys over to Iceland this spring/summer! and for the few of you who aren't coming to visit (yet) I'll see you guys when I come over this summer/fall! In the meanwhile.. stay in touch!!! Send me your addresses so I can send you stuff and convince you to come to Iceland or get you more excited about coming at least! o and phonenumbers.. so I can bother you guys via phone too!
o man.. I wish I could just move you all to Iceland.. but well I guess this is the second best.. having you guys over soon! I can't wait!!!
I love you all soo much!
For the people back home..
Eg kem heim eftir 6 daga! Eg fer strax nidur a Bergstadastraeti i nyja heimili mitt svo ef ykkur langar ad hitta mig tha er eg i frii a manudeginum og mer thaetti endalaust vaent um ad sja ykkur oll! Svo verid i bandi eda bara litid vid! eg lofa ad taka vel a moti ykkur! :o)

Well I better get ready.. I have a train, a subway, a flight, a subway and another train to catch before I reach my next destination; Dave's place, Leeds, England, UK!
I'll let you know how things are going.. until then..
I know I keep saying it.. but I really mean it..
I love you guys!!!


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww.. það hlýtur að vera erfitt að kveðja alla þarna, en þú getur huggað þig við það að við hérna heima hlökkum rosalega rosalega rosalega mikið til að sjá þig!!
allavega geri ég það :)

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

leeds! make sure to drop by at beano´s. I´ve spent a quazillion pounds there on vegan food. but leeds is sooooo dangerous. and not that much going on. try to get on the bus to manchester and check out the urbis museum there. it´s free and they have a lot of stuff to spend your time with, there.
but have fun.
see you on monday.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy hell stelpa ! djöfull líður tíminn hratt !!

hlakka til að sjá þig !


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pant hitta þig eitthvað á mánudeginum! :o)

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Fannar said...

Bergstaðastræti? Hvað í andskotanum er Bergstaðastræti? Og númer hvað?

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh bömmer að vera ekki að fara að hitta ykkur strax. Bíð spennt eftir að þú droppir við í mars ;-)

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ji minn eini. Milljón stutt þangað til þið komið! Ég er í fríi á þriðjudaginn þannig að ég get þessvegna gist hjá þér! Eða þú hjá mér. DADDARAAAAAA! Er samt ekkert að átta mig á að þú sért að koma, á örugglega eftir að bregða ýkt mikið þegar ég hitti þig. Hehe.
Elska þig mest.


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